This is the tale of Merriview. A small town in the United States was shocked when Roland Redding appeared.
There are many small towns, each with its own secrets.Advertisement
The secrets we know are not even close to the ones that lie out there.
1. The Town of Merriview
The town of Merriview looked like any other town in the South. There was lots of gossip and church attendance, as well as football games, good food, and a sense of community.

Merriview was under the command of Sheriff Grady Roberts, who and his deputies maintained order in the town, but there weren’t many problems to be concerned about. The only thing that worried them were drunk drivers or arguments at the local bar.
2. Grady Roberts Dozes off
The town of Merriview was experiencing a scorching heat wave. Though no one admitted it, everyone wanted a torrential downpour to cool them off.

Grady Roberts, with his radio in his belt, sat down at his desk and hoped that no calls would arrive. The weather was too hazy and lazy for criminal activity, so he sent his three deputies out in their cars to patrol.