1.Your Meals
Set a 20-minute timer and become a slow eater. It is one of the best habits to lose weight without having to follow a complicated plan. Enjoy each bite until the bell rings. Slowly paced meals are more enjoyable and stimulate the body’s hormones of fullness. Your stomach won’t be able to signal your brain that you’re full if you’re eating in a hurry. This leads to excessive eating.

2.Sleep More, Weigh Less
According to a University of Michigan researches who calculated the results for a daily intake of 2,500 calories, sleeping an extra hour could help someone lose 14 pounds within a year. The scenario they used shows that sleep can replace idle activities and mindless snacking. This will easily reduce calories by 6%. Sleep may also help in other ways. Results will vary from person to person. Evidence suggests that sleeping less than seven hours can increase your appetite and make you feel unusually hungry.

3.Serve More, Eat More Veggies
You’ll eat much more food if you serve three vegetables instead of one. More variety makes people eat more — and more fruits and veggies are a great weight loss strategy. Fiber and Water content will fill you up while using fewer calories. You can cook them without adding fat. Season them with herbs and lemon juice rather than drowning in fat-laden sauces.

4.When soup is on, weight comes off
You’ll eat less calories if you add a soup with broth to your diet. Think of minestrone soup, tortilla or Chinese wonton. It’s great to have soup at the start of a meal, as it helps you eat more slowly and reduces your appetite. Add fresh or frozen veggies to a soup or broth low in sodium, and let it simmer. Creamy soups can contain a lot of calories and fat.