Every year, nearly 8 million people die of cancer and another 13 million people discover they have cancer. The fact that between 30 and 40% of cancer-related deaths each year can be avoided is a shocking statistic. A growing number of people also choose alternative cancer treatments over traditional cancer remedies.
Steve Jobs, in his last years of life, famously ate cancer-fighting food to keep him healthy. Cancer-fighting foods are a lifestyle that should be adopted to reduce your chances of being diagnosed with the disease.
Food alone is unlikely to be able to cure or contain cancer. However, nutrition can play a major role in helping your body heal itself. Here are the top cancer-fighting foods to enjoy.
1. Moringa Leaf
Research has shown that phytonutrients from plants are more deadly than any other substance when used to fight cancer cells. Moringa, or Moringa Oleifera, is the only plant known to mankind that contains more phytonutrients. The plant is native to India and tropical Asia, but it is now grown all over the world. These plants’ leaves have been used as a natural remedy in these countries for centuries.
Moringais called a “miracle” tree because it contains a high concentration of carotenoids and vitamin C. It also contains iron, potassium and other nutrients. In a study published by Oncology Letters in Korea, researchers discovered that moringa successfully killed cancer cells. The researchers used an extract of the plant which dissolves in water. The cancer cell death rate was observed at 96.7% when 400 units of Moringa were used per ml water.